
Der Sonderforschungsbereich 1286 arbeitet interdisziplinär (siehe Forschungsinfrastruktur) und ist in 3 Forschungsbereiche unterteilt: Projektbereich A: Eine quantitative Ansicht des synaptischen Kompartiments, Projektbereich B: Prinzipien der synaptischen Funktion und Dysfunktion, sowie Projektbereich C: In silico Modelle der synaptischen Übertragung und Plastizität.

Aktuelle Projekte

A1: “Ultrastructure of synapses in action “

Benjamin Cooper

A2: “Structure of synaptic organelles by X-ray diffraction and imaging”

Tim Salditt

A3: “A dynamic analysis of ECM remodeling as a mechanism of synapse organization and plasticity ”

Silvio Rizzoli

A4: “Activity-dependent morphological changes at endbulb of Held synapses ”

Carolin Wichmann

A5:“Mitochondrial heterogeneity in synapses”

Stefan Jakobs

A06 / A10: “Mitochondria function and turnover in synapses”

Peter Rehling & Henning Urlaub

A7: “The organization of the synaptic cytoskeleton”

Elisa D’Este/Stefan Hell

A8: “The role of post-translationally modified proteins in synaptic transmission ”

Henning Urlaub

A9: “SUMOylation and Neddylation at Synapses ”

Marilyn Tirard & Nils Brose

A10 / A06: “Mitochondria function and turnover in synapses”

Peter Rehling & Henning Urlaub

A11: “Molecular architecture of the presynaptic compartment”

Noa Lipstein

A12: “Molecular organization of synaptic vesicles”

Ruben Fernandez-Busnadiego

B2: “An in vitro approach to understanding the structure-organizing role of the vesicle cluster”

Sarah Köster/Silvio Rizzoli

B4: “In vitro reconstitution of inhibitory GABAergic postsynapses ”

Claudia Steinem

B5: “Quantitative molecular physiology of calyceal synapses”

Tobias Moser

B6: “The role of RNA in synapse physiology and neurodegeneration”

Andre Fischer & Tiago Outeiro

B8: “Defining cascades of molecular alterations in synucleinopathies during neurodegenera- tion”

Tiago Outeiro

B10: “Nanoscale dynamics and regulation of synapsin conden- sates”

Dragomir Milovanovic

B11 “Signalling mechanisms of synaptic state transitions in relation to long-term synaptic plasticity”

Oliver M. Schlüter

C1: “The plasticity-dependent spatiotemporal organization of AMPARs and scaffolding proteins ”

Christian Tetzlaff

C2: “Release face designs and dynamics tailored for synaptic working memory ”

Fred Wolf

C3: “Actin dynamics as a synaptic tag”

Michael Fauth

C5: “The synapse as a complex physical environment”

Stefan Klumpp

C6: “Coarse-grained simulation of the role of local environment on presynaptic release: from fusion to fission”

Marcus Müller

C8: “Experimental and theoretical analysis of single active zone function”

Tobias Moser

C9: “Relating the pre-synaptic vesicle cycle to the information processing function of synaptic plasticity at the network level”

Viola Priesemann

C10: “Innovative deep learning approaches enable quantitative analyses of synaptic imaging datasets”

Constantin Pape

Associated project: “Modeling of short-term plasticity of nerve-evoked EPSCs at a glutamatergic synapse”

Erwin Neher

Z2: “Integrative data analysis and interpretation, and generation of a synaptic integrative data strategy (SynIDs)”

Stefan Bonn

Z4: “Quantitative visualization and analysis of synaptic proteins using nanobodies”

Felipe Opazo

Projekte 2017 - 2021

B1: “The distribution of structural lipids in synaptic membranes”

Nhu Phan

B3: “Mapping the protein and lipid organization in the plasma membrane of neurons using rapid rupture event imaging”

Andreas Janshoff

B9: “Cytoskeletal alterations contributing to synapto-axonal dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease”

Paul Lingor

Z3: “Simple multi-color super-resolution imaging by 10x expansion microscopy”

Silvio Rizzoli