
In the first funding period, we have developed a mathematical model that describes the spatio-temporal processes of the dynamic pool of actin filaments from the postsynaptic spines in basal, resting conditions. In the second funding period, we will focus on synaptic plasticity and the role of actin-driven structural changes in this process. We will rely on the “tagging and capture hypothesis”, in which we see actin dynamics as a tag that in critical for synaptic plasticity.

Dr. Michael Fauth

Michael Fauth

Principal Investigator
More subprojects

B9: “Cytoskeletal alterations contributing to synapto-axonal dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease”

Paul Lingor

B3: “Mapping the protein and lipid organization in the plasma membrane of neurons using rapid rupture event imaging”

Andreas Janshoff

Z3: “Simple multi-color super-resolution imaging by 10x expansion microscopy”

Silvio Rizzoli